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St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy, Healds Road, Dewsbury, WF13 4HY

01924 462053

St Josephs Catholic Primary Academy

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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Our Young Leaders

There are many opportunities for our children to become leaders in school.

This could be from being the line leader, to being responsible for collecting the milk at break time.

Our children in school are very keen to help out and make the school an even better place to be.

Our School Council

Our School Council is led by Mrs Bulloch. They meet regularly to plan and lead lots of different events in school. The role of a school councillor is to be a representative for the rest of the children in their class. They collect ideas which the rest of the pupils would like to communicate to the school's leadership team and governors. They also have a number of other very important roles, such as: judging competitions, taking part in interviews when recruiting new members of staff and representing the school at important events.

Our School Councillors for 2023/24 are:

  • Myla-Rose and Justus from Year 1
  • Julio and Lola from Year 2

  • Bella and Noah from Year 3

  • Danyaal and Marcy from Year 4

  • Aisha and Max from Year 5

  • Amelia and Yousaf from Year 6

Our Kindness Leaders

Our Kindness Leaders are responsible for ensuring that every child is happy and enjoys being in class. Each week, classes will vote between 1-5 on how 'kind' people have been to them: 1 = Not very kind 5= Very kind all the time.

During our Friday morning celebration, the Kindness Leaders will say the total number of points their class has scored. The aim is to beat their last week's score. If the score is below the previous week, it is the Kindness Leaders' job to problem solve, talk to the children to try and improve the kindness in the classroom.

Our Kindness Leaders for 2023/24 are:

  • Ammara and Jobey from Reception class

  • Yusuf S and Nusaybah from Year 1

  • Caius and Summer from Year 2

  • Annie and Deacan from Year 3

  • Inaayah and Roman from Year 4

  • Umar and Zaynab from Year 5

  • Iman and Kuba from Year 6

Playground Buddies

Our Playground Buddies are a group of Year 6 children who support playground games on the KS1 playground at lunchtimes. Each buddy has a different role to play to encourage turn taking, an active lifestyle and to support problem solving.

Our Playground Buddies for 2023/24 are: 

  • Isabella

  •  Lydia

  •  Yousaf

  • Soraya

  •  Umama

  •  Hamzah

  •  Ebony

  •  Iman

  •  Azaan

  •  Aadam

  • Paisley

  •  Amelia

  •  Toby

  •  Lissy

  • Keira

  •  Noah

  •  Gino

Sports Leaders

Our Sports Leaders promote an active lifestyle and encourage team games on the KS2 playground. They will create different mini-games and skills games to encourage children to be active at lunchtimes.

Our Sports Leaders for 2023/24 are:

  • Sibgha, Ruby-Mae, Preston and Kian from Year 4

  • Cole, Edmund, Alayah and Livvie from Year 5

  • Alex, Hamzah, Paris and Iman from Year 6

Reading Ambassadors

Since our renovation of the Library in 2022, we have appointed our Reading Ambassadors to help keep our library tidy and promote a love of reading across school. They have the responsibility of tidying the library, updating the library displays, choosing books to wrap for a surprise book as well as so much more. Children who are Reading Ambassadors do this in their free time at lunchtimes and playtimes.

Our Reading Ambassadors for 2023/24 are:

  • Iman

  •  Coby

  •  Ebony

  •  Amelia

  •  Toby

  • Paris

  •  Lissy

  •  Hamzah

  •  Gino

  •  Lydia

  •  Ayaan

  •  Azaan

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